Joong Gun Pattern
1 & 2 Stripe Blue Belt - 4th Gup
32 Movements
Closed B Ready Stance
Step to the left, back stance, left ridgehand inner forearm block.
Front leg front kick, set down, and step forward into right cat stance, upward front palmheel strike.
Spin 1/2 turn to right, back stance, right ridgehand inner forearm block.
Front leg front kick, set down, and step forward into left cat stance, upward front palm heel strike.
Turn to front into left back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Shift into left front stance , reverse upward elbow strike.
Step forward into right back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Shift into right front stance, reverse upward elbow strike.
Step forward into left front stance, twin vertical punches.
Step forward into right front stance, twin upset punches and Kihap.
Double step with right foot, then left foot into left front stance, high X-blocks (facing rear).
Turn 1/4 turn to left, back stance, front backfist, pull-away, shift to front stance and reverse punch.
Step left foot to right then right foot steps out to back stance, front backfist pull-away, shift to front stance and reverse punch.
Step right foot to left, then left foot steps out to front stance, double forearm blocks.
Shift into left back stance, front punch.
Back leg turning side kick, landing in a right front stance, double forearm blocks.
Shift into right back stance, front punch.
Back leg turning side kick, landing in a left back stance double guarding blocks.
Shift into a front stance, isometric double pressing blocks.
Advance into a right back stance, double guarding blocks.
Shift into a front stance, isometric double pressing blocks.
Lift left foot into balance movement, right hooking punch into a closed parallel stance.
Step to the right, fixed stance, pole block.
Step together, then to the left, fixed stance, pole block and Ki-hap.
Left foot returns.