Hwa Rang Pattern
1 & 2 Stripe Red Belt - 2nd Gup
29 Movements
Closed C Ready Stance
Step up to the left, middle stance, left palmheel block, right punch, left punch.
Step back with the right foot to form a right back stance, square block.
Reverse upward punch.
Draw, then shift the right foot to horse stance, side punch.
Step back with the right foot to form a standing L-stance and execute a front vertical knifehand strike.
Step the left foot through to left front stance, front punch.
Turn 1/4 turn to the left, left front stance, front low block. Advance front stance, front punch.
Grab punching hand and pull reverse foot to right parallel stance.
Execute a right side kick, land in a back stance and execute a right knifehand strike. Advance to a left front stance, front punch.
Advance to a right front stance, front punch and Ki-hap. Spin 3/4 turn to the left, left back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Advance to a right front stance, reverse palm block/front spearhand thrust.
Turn 1/2 turn to the left, back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Right leg turning round kick, left leg turning round kick landing in a back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Turn 1/4 turn to the left, front stance, front low block.
Shift to a back stance, reverse punch.
Advance to a back stance, reverse punch.
Advance to a back stance, reverse punch.
Shift to a front stance, low X-blocks.
Advance and turn 1/2 turn into a back stance, reverse elbow strike and Ki-hap.
Balance spin 1/4 turn to the left, execute right middle block/left low block combination. Then, execute left middle block/right low block combination.
Step to the left back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Step left foot to right, to a right back stance, double knifehand guarding blocks.
Right foot returns.