Blue Belt Board Breaking Information
At the rank of Blue Belt, the student will be tested on his or her ability to demonstrate power in his technique. This is done by breaking boards. The boards used for this purpose are 1 inch white pine (#2) boards cut to a size appropriate for the size and age of the student.
Typically, children will break only a single board at each station while adults will break two boards. At Blue Belt, the minimum testing requirement is for the student to break using a single technique. The instructor’s job is to guide the student in selecting a technique that is appropriate for the student’s ability.
Testing Procedures
At testing, the student is given three chances to break his/her board stations. Sometimes the instructor may allow additional attempts if he or she feels it is appropriate. Students should be prepared to set up their board break stations quickly, and with a minimum of practice attempts.
When ready, the student will face the judges and bow, then begin their breaking attempts. It is not appropriate to make additional practice attempts after bowing to the judges.
If you do not break all stations, you may take time to adjust any station and then bow in again. Always stop and bow in to the judges before making each additional attempt.